And there’s little weirder than the larger-than-life antics of Spiegelworld’s Absinthe. The show is cut from the same cloth as Empire, the bawdy circus-cabaret that delighted Perth crowds in 2013. They both stem from the imagination of Australian South Australia’s Sidewood Estate This weekend is your last chance to see Absinthe. The circus for grown-ups is in the Speigeltent in King George Square and features high wire and aerial feats and very vaudeville and burlesque performances. Following the hugely successful 2013/2014 Australian tour of EMPIRE by Spiegelworld, it was announced today that Spiegelworld will be bringing its smash-hit Las Vegas show ABSINTHE to Australia in 2015. The national tour of ABSINTHE by Spiegelworld will be Beautifully lit, the sister bar to the Little Red Door has a strong focus on absinthe. Finally New York’s Campbell Designed by Regional Development Australia Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula, the app and accompanying map provide all the facts needed The traditional fennel-based aperitif - sometimes referred to as the Green Fairy - is famed for its greenish colour, high alcohol content and stories of sending drinkers 'mad'. It was popular as a healing herbal elixir in France and Switzerland in the 18th Absinthe is the latest Australian touring show from Mollison, a veteran publicist, and David Foster, an Australian producer who relocated to the US almost 20 years ago. The pair previously toured their show Empire, another acrobatic extravaganza .
In the follow up to their smash-hit Empire, Spiegelworld present their latest wayward circus/burlesque spectacular – Absinthe. Absinthe, of course, is better known as that notorious green spirit synonymous with the Bohemian counterculture of 19th century FROM the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas to Wheeler Place in Newcastle, Absinthe is set to amaze Australian audiences. Inspired by the absinthe-drenched cabarets of late 19th century Europe, Absinthe is an adult-themed cocktail of circus, burlesque and is one of a kind in Australia. The bar is home to 24 green and white absinthes of French or Swiss origin (where the drink was created in the late 18th Century), ranging from mild to strong (45 to 74% alcohol) – perfect for both the absinthe enthusiast It was known as the green fairy for its alleged psychoactive properties, but one of Australia's two commercial absinthe makers believes the aniseed beverage's reputation is more fiction than fact. Alla Ward produces absinthe with an Australian edge .
- absinthe australia Vintage Absinthe Art 318 x 450 · 75 kB · jpeg
- absinthe australia Black Magic** Patron Black and Absinthe & nutmeg sprinkles Set 266 x 327 · 17 kB · jpeg
- absinthe australia Absinthe Cologne 236 x 330 · 10 kB · jpeg
- absinthe australia Edgar Degas the Absinthe Drinker 366 x 488 · 65 kB · jpeg
- absinthe australia dreams 400 x 300 · 20 kB · jpeg
- absinthe australia Forest Light 204 x 127 · 11 kB · jpeg
- absinthe australia Cake à l’absinthe et au praliné pistache (Absinthe [Anise-Flavored 250 x 250 · 16 kB · jpeg
- absinthe australia Goth Gothic More 236 x 349 · 23 kB · jpeg
- absinthe australia Vintage Poster, French, Umbrella Ad 324 x 324 · 11 kB · jpeg
- absinthe australia Vinos, $19, now featured on Fab. 360 x 360 · 41 kB · jpeg
absinthe australia Image Gallery
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